Benjamin - Live from japan!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Samurai Jazz BAR

The other night adam and I were in kichijoji, spent the day in arcades and shopping and book stores... waited for my brother till he was done teaching his class. He got out, so we make our way back "home" and we end up going to a Samurai Jazz Bar we had been eyeing.

The sign had a Samurai playing the saxophone in silhouette. Amazing really. We walked up the one person width staircase to a wooden door that had a bronzed sheathed katana blade for a door handle. Again. Amazing. We entered and there on a stool drinking a spirit of some kind, was indeed a samurai. Though once we sat down he dissappeared. It was either an apirition devised by our own collective romantic minds, or he left once a bunch of foreigners entered. Sadly, I fear the latter is the truth, which is sad, I think I would have rather enjoyed a drink with a Samurai.

The books on the shelf are actually all Sword and sword Technique texts. Brilliant little place. It think Andrew Duncan would love the place.


  • Great!
    I'm planning a trip to Japan next year.
    I'll have to track down the samurai playing the sax.

    By Blogger Toby Cypress, at 8:28 PM  

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