Benjamin - Live from japan!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Incase you've ever wondered how...

Mcdonalds is willing to show you what took goku months of training to do.

1st image: "kamaete" ...get in position
2nd image: "tamate" ...pull back
3rd image: "oriya" FIRE!

Sally is gonna be doing this in her room as soon as she reads it.


  • No wonder Salz and I are friends - I just did it! Even before I read the English instructions! So funny!

    By Blogger AIR-IN, at 7:35 AM  

  • You're totally right...

    This made my day. lol, just too funny.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:57 PM  

  • LoL, nice stuff man, a real weird but funny find ben, hope u enjoy ur trip, Post more dbz stuff if u find it=D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 AM  

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