Benjamin - Live from japan!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The crows of Asagawa

So I took a long walk and found an incredible place in tokyo called Asagawa. To understand, tokyo is like most cities, where you have parts or districts of town, sections that seem to have their own personal flavour and inluence. Take new york for instance, you have the bronx, manhatten, etc. Now multiply that by 5. Some more food for thought: Tokyo is a huge sprawling city that has the population of Canada.

Not unlike Tokyo's comparitive size, where its much larger than its comparison, so are the crows.

You may say to yourself, "yeah, I've seen big crows...crows are big by nature" but you haven't seen the crows of Asagawa. They have this intimidating presence and pronounced forehead and throat puff that seems almost... neandrethal. If two boys sat down, boy on the left is from japan, boy on the right is canadian, imagine boy on the left says "my crows could beat up your crows" BELIEVE HIM, they could.

They were hauntingly surrounding and at times seemingly guarding this graveyard and shrine. These factors alone scared me into re-thinking taking their picture. As if I might upset them and their soul protecting. But as a brash and unapologenic north american I took pictures anyway. Enjoy


  • BENJAMIN!!!!

    Hey buddy, Good to hear from you. I will continue to follow your adventures in Japan! Can't wait to read more.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:57 AM  

  • Now there's a sight worth seeing. Crows scare me to death here .. you must be a brave one Benjieee.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:21 AM  

  • Wow yeah they do look creepy. Wouldn't want to get too close to those things!

    Great pictures!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:34 PM  

  • I'd spit on those crows. I aint afraid of no stinkin' birds... phfff.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:38 PM  

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